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Throughout my career, my roles have consistently been in the capacity of a Professional, Senior, or Manager within large, complex enterprises operating on an international scale. Consequently, I am well-acquainted with the working environment of professionals. In my personal development, I have undergone a significant transformation – evolving from someone inclined to keep thoughts to myself to an individual who confidently takes a stance and communicates with clarity and strength whenever I deem it necessary. This transformation led to my appointment as a global manager, overseeing approximately 75 employees. Additionally, I have increasingly allowed myself to become visible, a process that was at times challenging but has proven to be highly rewarding.


In addition to my corporate work, I have invested significantly in personal development. Not only in terms of skills but also, in the words of Ken Wilber, both 'growing up' and 'waking up'. 'Growing up' involves becoming aware of your own patterns, while 'waking up' is about increasing the ability to be aware in the moment. The latter is literally waking up to what is as well as shifting your center of gravity from the mind to your true self or deeper levels of awareness.

I enjoy supporting individuals in 'growing up' and 'waking up' because I believe everyone deserves that level of happiness and true success in line with what you really care about. In my coaching, I focus primarily on individuals with work-related growth goals. Ultimately, my aim is to contribute to your increased awareness of how you operate. I want you to be able to recognize and manage your patterns, enabling you to feel more at ease and be even more effective!
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